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PixelLab Not Showing PLP File [NO BACKUP] | (Problem Solved)

PixelLab File or Projacts are not saving problem.
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Pixellab PLP file not showing, Pixellab PLP file not appearing, Pixellab PLP file not visible, Unable to view Pixellab PLP files, Pixellab PLP file not displaying, How to fix Pixellab PLP file not showing, Troubleshooting Pixellab PLP file display issue, Pixellab PLP file not loading, Pixellab PLP file missing in app, Fixing Pixellab PLP file visibility problem
Photo: @shihabskytar
As far as I know, because of Android 11, your PixelLab backup file will be saved into the Device's internal storage. But there are no backup files found in my device directory. The root directory is meant to be inaccessible to normal users you must root your device to access those files (Not Recommended). Rooting your device falls to data breaches of the security of your device. 
The same issue has been reported by also others. I've reported it to PixelLab to fix this issue and have them check if there's any bug found. But they're unable to do so because of Android 11 Privacy Policy Rules.  And another thing is it has horrible ad pop-ups every second you save a file or try to save any project. There should be a limitation of time at least to show up the next ad within a limitation of time.

Caution: If you want to root your device access your PLP file from the root directory. Do it at your own risk~!

How to Solve PixelLab PLP File Not Showing Problem?

The easiest way to solve this issue is you must install the old version of this app without rooting your device.
Rooting your device may be more vulnerable to your device (Not recommended).

PixelLab Dec 17, 2022 28.3 MB App Holdings .apk

App Details

Package Name com.imaginstudio.imagetools.pixellab
License Free
Op. System Android
Official App Install Now!
Category Photography
Language English
Author App Holdings
Downloads 3,442,563
Date May 28th, 2022
Content Rating +3
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)


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  1. Thanks for solving my problem. ❤️
    Love from india 🇮🇳
    1. Welcome ❤️
  2. How to root my device? Please help
  3. You are so genius 😍 thanks for help
  4. Thank you 💗the solution you provided on the website was helpful! It's unfortunate that the YouTube video didn't work, but it's great that the website's solution resolved the issue. Thank you for sharing this tutorial.

  5. Thanks working ❤️
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